Fundraising for Rotorua St Lukes Anglican Church -Organ 50 Year Restoration Project

$3,170 of $30,000 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in around 4 months

Fundraising towards the cost of restoring the organ. This is a massive project costing $60000.

Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty

In August this year, the organ at St. Luke’s Rotorua is to undergo its “50-year servicing”.

With the support of the 1974 Vestry, an organ fund was set up to facilitate a quality pipe organ for church and community. This was achieved through the generosity of the community and parishioners.

The organ of neo baroque design was built by George Croft & Son, of Auckland, under the skilful direction of Mr Ken Aplin. The organ was installed in September 1979 and dedicated by the Right Reverend Ralph Matthews, Bishop of Waiapu on St. Luke’s Day 1979. Over the years, internationally acclaimed organists from Germany, USA, Finland, Italy, Belgium and New Zealand have visited to play this special instrument. John Wells has also recorded two CD’s on the instrument.

In 1987 the church was extended, and the organ was moved from the west to the south wall. In 2001 the shutters for the positive organ were changed to be more suitable for choir accompaniment. At the same time two new stops were added and the casework modified.

The organ has stood up well to the toxic atmosphere in Rotorua, but attention is needed to ensure that the organ remains in recital condition for many years to come. A bound organ book records the people and organisations whose vision and generosity made this organ possible.

About us

St Luke's Church Rotorua is part of the Anglican Diocese of Waiapu.

The church holds one of NZ's finest organs that was built over 50 years ago and needs to be restored for future generations to use.

Use of funds

All funds received will go towards the cost of restoring the organ. This is a massive project costing in excess of $60000.

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Latest update

Funding update.  20 October 2023

We now sit at 30% of our funding target for this organ, we have managed to raise $25,000 via direct donations to the church and this give a little page. We are still a long way off our target goal of $65000. Please share this page with other fellow organ lovers. Share that Martin Setchell is coming to play on the 5 November 2.30pm. Tickets at the door $20. We need to fill the church to help fund our organ Maintenace.

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Latest donations

Linda on 11 Nov 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Sep 2023
St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.

Thank you for your kind donation

St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Sep 2023
St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.

Thank you so much.

St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.
Merv on 30 Aug 2023
St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.

Thank you so much for your gift.

St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.
Alison on 25 Aug 2023
To fellow organists/organ music lovers, I hope the intended target can be reached so we can continue to enjoy playing and listening to this magnificent instrument.
St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.

Thank you, Alison, for your kind words and donation.

St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua.

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, St. Lukes Anglican Church Rotorua. (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 31 Jul 2023 and ended on 30 Nov 2023.